ActualitésFC2GChem 2024

La 5ème conférence Franco-Chinoise sur la Chimie Verte, FC2G-Chem 2024 se tiendra à Shanghai du 23 au 25 Novembre avec un pré-évènement à Wuhan du 19 au 21 Novembre, après les éditions de 2014 et 2018 en Chine et 2016 et 2021 en France.

Please scroll down for informations on :


bandeau topics

Innovation in green homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
Environmentally friendly activation methods for chemical processes
Atom-economical strategies towards fine chemicals
Innovative monomers, polymers and materials from bioresources
Theoretical approaches dedicated to biomass conversion
CO2 chemistry and uses
Biobased chemistry : mastering biomass functional complexity
Process intensification related to unconventional media and activation methods
Strategies for soil and air remediation


bandeau committees


  • Prof. Jacques MADDALUNO, CNRS Chimie
  • Prof. Anne GIROIR-FENDLER, Université Lyon 1
  • Prof. Marie-Christine BAIETTO, INSA Lyon
  • Prof. Claude DE BELLEFON, CPE Lyon
  • Prof Stéphane PAROLA, ENS de Lyon
  • Prof. Franck DUMEIGNIL, Université de Lille
  • Prof. François JEROME, Université de Poitiers
  • Prof. Mehran MOSTAFAVI, CNRS Chimie
  • Prof. Michel FARINE (ICARE)
  • Prof. Philippe ARNAUD, CNRS, Beijing
  • Prof. Marc DAUMAS, Ambassade De France en Chine, Beijing
  • Prof. Jean-François GERARD, IMP INSA Lyon & CNRS Chimie
  • Prof. Catherine PINEL, CNRS & Université Lyon 1
  • Prof. Etienne FLEURY, IMP, INSA Lyon
  • Prof. Carine MICHEL, ENS de Lyon
  • Prof. Bruno ANDRIOLETTI, Institut de Chimie de Lyon
  • Dr Philippe MARION, SYENSQO
  • Dr P ISNARD, SCF Chimie Durable

Shanghai event

  • Prof. ZHAO Dongyuan, Fudan University, Shanghai
  • Prof. SHI Jianlin, CAS, Shanghai
  • Prof. YANG Weimin, SINOPEC, Shanghai
  • Prof. LI Mingfeng, SINOPEC, Beijing
  • Prof. SHI Guoyue, ECNU, Shanghai
  • Prof. LIU Haichao, Peking University, Beijing
  • Prof. TIAN Yang, ECNU, Shanghai
  • Prof. YANG Haibo, ECNU, Shanghai
  • Prof. LU Yong, ECNU, Shanghai
  • Prof. GAO Shuanhu, ECNU, Shanghai
  • Prof. GU Yanlong, HUST, Wuhan

Wuhan event

  • Prof. WANG Feng, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
  • Prof. HE Liangnian, Nankai University
  • Prof. HU Changwei, Sichuan University
  • Prof. LEI Aiwen, Wuhan University
  • Prof. TAN Bien, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. WAN Qian, Wuhan University
  • Prof. YIN Guochuan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. CHEN Zhuqi, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. LIAO Rongzhen, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. WANG Jingyu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Prof SONG Hu, ICARE co-Dean, Wuhan,
  • Prof Michel FARINE, ICARE Co-Dean, WUhan

bandeau organization

Organization committee
in Shanghai

  • Prof. HAN Buxing
  • Prof. WU Peng
  • Prof. ZHANG Dawei
  • Prof. ZHANG Kun
  • Prof. GUAN Yejun
  • Prof. XU Hao
  • Miss DU Ran
  • Prof. WANG Yuanyuan
  • Prof. WANG Huan
  • Prof. WU Haihong
  • Prof. LIU Yueming
  • Prof. GE Jianping
  • Prof. ZHAO Chen
  • Prof. LU Jiaxing
  • Mrs QIAN Yunhua



  • Prof. LIU Yue
  • Prof. TANG Jing
  • Prof. LIU Ye
  • Prof. GAO Guohua
  • Prof. GAO En-Qing
  • Prof. LI Xiaohong
  • Dr. ZHENG Jianxia
  • Dr. ZHOU Wenjuan
  • Mrs DONG Jie
  • Mrs LIU Xiaoyan



Organization committee
in Wuhan

  • Prof. TANG Conghui
  • Prof. HU Song
  • Mr. NIE Hongbo
  • Dr. LI Minghao
  • Dr. BAI Rongxian
  • Ms. HAN Qiong
  • Ms. SUN Li
  • Ms. LIU Mingxia
  • Ms. LIU Juanhua
  • Ms. HUANG Liping


Organization committee, French delegation

Prof Laurent BONNEVIOT
Prof Belen ALBELA
Prof Florence POPOWYCZ



intitutions & partners

Speakers, Shanghai (previsional, to be completed)

International speakers

Ben Feringa (U Groningen)
Avelino Corma (U Valencia)

  • Dongyuan ZHAO,赵东元, Fudan University
  • Yong TANG,唐勇, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,
  • Kuiling DING,丁奎岭 , Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Ye Wang, Xiamen University王野
  • Yuhan SUN,孙予罕, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Shi-Gang SUN,孙世刚, Xiamen University
  • Bao-Lian SU, 苏宝连, Wuhan University of Technolog & University of Namur
  • Xinhe BAO,包信和, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Haichao LIU,刘海超, Peking University
  • Weimin YANG,杨为民, Sinopec Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  • Feng-Shou XIAO,肖丰收, Zhejiang University
  • Jihong YU,于吉红, Jilin University
  • Guy Bertrand (UCSD)
  • François Jérôme (IC2MP)
  • Carine Michel (ENSL)
  • Sébastien  Paul (UCCS)
  • Vitaly Ordomsky (UCCS)
  • Christian George (IRCELYON)
  • Aderrahmane Amgoune (ICBMS)
  • Jean-François Gérard (IMP)
  • Jianxia Zheng  (E2P2L)
  • Wenjuan Zhou (E2P2L)
  • Pascal Fongarland (CP2M)
  • Pascal Métivier (SYENSQO)
  • Julien Leclaire (Mecaware)
  • Kim Larmier (IFPEN)
  • Shiyao Yu (Roquette)
  • Grace Gao (L’Oréal)
  • Jérémie Zaffran (CNRS-E2P2L)

Speakers, Wuhan (previsional, to be completed)

  • Aiwen LEI,雷爱文,Wuhan University,
  • Wang Yong,王勇,Zhejiang University ,
  • Huaiyong ZHU,朱怀勇, Queensland University of Technology
  • Qian WAN,万谦, Wuhan University
  • Liangnian HE,何良年, Nankai University
  • Changwei HU,胡常伟 Sichuan University    
  • Zehui ZHANG,张泽会, South-Central Minzu University
  • Jingyu WANG,王靖宇,Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Guochun YIN,尹国川,  Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Yanlong GU,顾彦龙, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • B Andrioletti (CP2M),
  • D. Laurenti (IRCELYON),
  • M. Sauthier (UCCS),
  • K. De Oliveira Vigier (IC2MP),
  • J.F. Gérard (IMP),
  • L. Bonneviot (LC ENSL),
  • E. Metay (ICBMS),
  • C. De Bellefon (CP2M),
  • F. Pourpoint (UCCS),
  • Y. Queneau (ICBMS),
  • B. Albela (LC ENSL)
  • N. Duguet (ICBMS),
  • A. Giroir-Fendler (IRCELYON)
  • J. Leclaire (ICBMS)

Detailed Program

  • To be annouced

Contacts & Information


Chinese side:

Prof Dr Buxing HAN,

  • Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Processes, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Molecular and Process Engineering, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China Normal University, P. R. China
  • Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, CAS Laboratory of Colloidand Interface and Thermodynamics, CAS Research/Education Center for Excellence in Molecular Sciences, Center for Carbon Neutral Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • School of Chemical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China

Prof Dr Peng WU,

  • Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Processes, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Molecular and Process Engineering, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China Normal University, P. R. China

Prof Dr Yanlong GU,

  • School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China

French side:

Prof Dr Yves QUENEAU,

  • Directeur de Recherche au CNRS
    ICBMS, CNRS, Université Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, CPE Lyon, France & Honorary Professor at the University of Hull, UK

Prof Dr Laurent BONNEVIOT,

  • Laboratoire de Chimie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France