forme_membres_ICBMS M Edwin-Joffrey Courtial

M Edwin-Joffrey Courtial


En charge des sciences des matériaux pour la fabrication additive et la bio-impression. Responsable des activités de simulation numérique et d’intelligence artificielle. 

Publications Retrouvez les dernières contributions

How can we solve the problem of bioprintability to overcome the bioprinting challenges?

Alizée Mosnier, Imen Halima & Edwin-Joffrey Courtial

MRS Bulletin (2024)

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Unlocking the potential of bio-inspired bioinks: A collective breakthrough in mammalian tissue bioprinting

Marquette, C. A.; Chastagnier, L.; Da Sousa, B.; Chocarro-Wrona, C.; Courtial, E.-J.; Rae, E.; Thomann, C.; Carre, A.; Essayan, L.; Pasuch, A. J.; Mosnier, A.; Devillard, C.; Petiot, E.; Lemarié, L.; Matera, E.-L.; Simoes, M.; Dumontet, C.; Cuella Martin, C.; Pechtimaldjian, L.; Pécheur, E.-I.; Maguer-Satta, V.; Michelet, M.; Plissonnier, M.-L.; Archer, F.; Moreau, K.; Dufaud, M.; Zaupa, C.; Balloul, J.-M.; Pruvost, Q.; Dauphin, T.; Mosser, M.; Pragnère, S.,

Bioprinting, 2024, 41: e00351

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3D MODEL of an anatomically inert human hand: feasibility study

Lucchino, N.; Pialat, J-B.; Marquette, C.; Courtial, E.; Erhard, L.; Voulliaume, D.; Mojallal, A.; Gazarian, A.

Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation 101709

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Accurate detection of cell deformability tracking in hydrodynamic flow by coupling unsupervised and supervised learning

Halima, I.;, Maleki, M.; Frossard, G.; Thomann, C.; Courtial, E.-J.

Machine Learning with Applications, 2024 (16), 100538

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Challenges in nasal cartilage tissue engineering to restore the shape and function of the nose

Vertu-Ciolino, D.; Brunard, F.; Courtial, E.J.; Pasdeloup, M.; Marquette, C.; Perrier-Groult, E.; Mallein-Gerin, F.; Malcor J.D.

Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2024

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