ActualitésPodChem ep02: Clotilde Policar

#PodChem is a science culture programme supported by the SupraSCF group in which we invite French researchers to present their research and to discuss topics mixing society and science.

After a first episode, in which we had very interesting discussions with Jean-Pierre Sauvage, here is episode #02 of Podchem. 

We had the chance to host Clotilde Policar (ENS-PSL), who presented in more detail biomimetics and metalloenzymes, but with whom we also had a fascinating discussion on gender biases in research, based on her personal experience and scientific studies.

You can watch the episode right now by clicking on the link below:

Unfortunately, the video was recorded in French and the auto-subtitles proposed by Youtube are not yet perfect.

We are eager to hear your comments and encourage you to share this episode with your science enthusiast friends and colleagues. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel PodChem to not miss any of the upcoming episodes with innovative researchers from the scientific community.

Thank you for watching and see you soon!