forme_membres_ICBMS M Alexis Taponard

M Alexis Taponard

PhD student


Alexis Taponard graduated his Chemical Engineering Degree in 2019 at the ECPM engineering school in Strasbourg (France) and his Master’s Degree in Organic Synthesis and Chemistry of Bioactives Molecules at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon (France) in 2020. He spent his last year of engineering school at the UQAM in Montreal (Canada) working in the lab of Pr. René Roy on the synthesis of glycoliposomes to fight bacterial infections. During his Master’s degree, he did an internship in the SURCOOF team in the ICBMS under the supervision of Dr. Thierry Billard and worked on the incorporation of the SeCF3 motif on organic compounds.  Alexis is currently doing his PhD in the CASYEN team in the ICBMS, under the direction of Dr. Anis Tlili. His work focuses on the valorization of SF6 for the generation of new fluorination methods.

Research interests

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an inert gas used worldwide as an electrical insulator but it is the most powerful greenhouse gas known to date. Converting it into high value-added products is a field of research of great interest as there are currently very few methods to do so. Alexis' thesis work combines the valorization of SF6 and the incorporation of the SF5 moiety to generate compounds that are highly coveted in agrochemistry and pharmaceutical and whose synthesis represents a major scientific challenge.

Selected publications

Metal-Free SF6 Activation: A New SF5-Based Reagent Enables Deoxyfluorination and Pentafluorosulfanylation Reactions, A. Taponard, T. Jarrosson, L. Khrouz, M. Médebielle, J. Broggi, A. Tlili, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e2022046. link

Metal-free nucleophilic trifluoromethylselenolation via an iodide-mediated umpolung reactivity of trifluoromethylselenotoluenesulfonate, K. Grollier, A. Taponard, A. De Zordo-Banliat, E. Magnier, T. Billard, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2020, 16, 3032–3037. link

Environmentally Compatible Access to α-Trifluoromethylseleno-Enones, K. Grollier, A. Taponard, C ; Ghiazza, E. Magnier, T. Billard, Helv. Chim. Acta 2020, 103, e2000185. link

Synthetic Approaches to Fluoroalkyltelluryl-Substituted Compounds, K. Grollier, A. Taponard, T. Billard, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 6943–6954. link

Publications Find the most recent scientific contributions

Metal-Free SF6 Activation: A New SF5-Based Reagent Enables Deoxyfluorination and Pentafluorosulfanylation Reactions

Alexis Taponard, Tristan Jarrosson, Lhoussain Khrouz, Maurice Medebielle, Julie Broggi, Anis Tlili*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202204623

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Tailoring the Reactivity of the Langlois Reagent and Styrenes with Cyanoarenes Organophotocatalysts under Visible-Light

Dan Louvel, Amel Souibgui, Alexis Taponard, Jean Rouillon, Mongi ben Mosbah, Younes Moussaoui, Guillaume Pilet, Lhoussain Khrouz, Cyrille Monnereau, Julien C. Vantourout, Anis Tlili*

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2022, 364, 139-148

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Synthetic Routes to Arylsulfonyl Fluorides

Aida Chelagha, Dan Louvel, Alexis Taponard, Rodolphe Berthelon, Anis Tlili*

Catalysts 2021, 11, 830

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Synthetic Approaches to Fluoroalkyltelluryl-Substituted Compounds

K. Grollier, A. Taponard, T. Billard

Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 6943-6954

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